Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction about the future of winter 2021 matters little to listeners of Catholic 540-AM Divine Mercy Radio. That's because mornings for our listeners are about to get a lot more Relevant and Brighter!!

When you start your mornings with eastern and central North Carolina’s Catholic radio station starting on Monday, February 22nd at 6:00 am, you’ll enjoy a peppier, more informative and more spiritually uplifting listening experience.

And we’ll keep that momentum going all morning long with some new and returning radio friends that make listening to Catholic 540-AM Divine Mercy Radio such an important part of your day.

Whether you listen On-Air (540-AM), On-Line (catholic540am.org) or On-App (for iPhone - via the App Store - or for Android Phone - via Google Play?) your mornings are about to get a whole lot more Relevant and Bright on February 22nd beginning at 6:00 am.