Introducing you to people across North Carolina and around the world who put their Catholic faith into action. Hosted by Ellen White.
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Join Ellen White as she talks with Fr. Ian VanHusen and Mr. Bob Luddy to discuss The Sacred Heart and Spiritual Fatherhood.
Programmed sponsored by Thales College.
Join Ellen White as she talks with Dr. Ray about Mercy and Forgiveness in the home, from a father's perspective.
Join Ellen White as she talks with Father Bash, a visiting priest from Uganda, about Spiritual Fatherhood and his personal mission.
Join Ellen as she discusses with Dr. McCaffrey and 3 very special moms as they discuss their beautiful families.
Join Ellen as she chats with Dr. Karen from 40 days for Life and Anne Allen from Raleigh about all things ProLife in the Raleigh area.
Join Ellen as she discusses the importance of Motherhood. The discussion was so heartfelt and fantastic - that the guests and Ellen didn't want the conversation to end. Enjoy Part 2 about Motherhood. Her guests are Fr. Ian VanHusen, Mrs. Sarah Lily, Mrs. Nina McElwee and Ms. Diane Johnston.
Join Ellen as she discusses the importance of Motherhood. Her guests are Fr. Ian VanHusen, Mrs. Sarah Lily, Mrs. Nina McElwee and Ms. Diane Johnston.
Join Ellen as she chats with Dr. Pincus of NC Right to Life and JT Klimek of St. Michael's parish and how you should come out and be present at the upcoming NC March for Life. How your witness is important and needed.
Join Ellen as she discusses all the exciting news that is happening at Divine Mercy Radio. Today's guests are: Cecelia Flanary and Arthur Powers - Board Members, Melissa Savage - Executive Director, and Bishop Luiz Zarama.
Meet with some of the dedicated volunteers that make Ignited by Truth happen each year and why it's so important to our area!